
Perfectly Planned Sweden

Niklas Hedell lives in Stockholm since 1988. When he studied in Uppsala he wanted to sublet his apartment and stay in Uppsala until he had finished the studies. However, the Rent and Tenacies Tribunal, a special court that decides issues of who is right in conflicts regarding rented apartments, and therefore in many cases decide who gets to live where, decided that he was not allowed to do this, because it is traveling distance to Uppsala. With public transport, it would take Mr Hedell more than an hour. Each way. Every day.

Now he is finished with the studies, and he works in Stockholm. He is married, and his wife works and lives in Uppsala. They have a daughter, but they work in different cities, and hence have not yet moved together. His wife also has only a project based job, nothing says that her next job will be in Uppsala. So all is fine with the tribunal?

Hardly. Remember, the tribunal has decided that Uppsala and Stockholm is within the distance you should travel every day to work, so they think that Mr Hedell should move in with his wife in Uppsala, and the have decided to evict Mr Hedell. Yes, the Swedish government is telling Mr Hedell that he is not allowed to live in Stockholm, he should live in Uppsala with his wife.

Do you think this is absurd? Yes, it is. But it's also just another day in Perfectly Planned Sweden. I'm so happy I don't live there.

I thought I could organize freedom. How Scandinavian of me. -- Björk

Ref: http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=1298&a=459554

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Oh well, good riddance Lennart. You know as well as anyone that your story is extremely one-sided and not something that happens to just anyone on an everyday basis. Enjoy Paris with their nazi view of homeless people.... among other things.

Lennart Regebro sa...

I don't care if they take that decision every day or every year, the fact that they CAN is wrong.

And what your reference to Nazis means I do not know.